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Sagittarius Pt.2 - The Fire Within
Continuing our conversation about the 9th House, our hosts speak further into the esoteric significance of the sign of Sagittarius.
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Sagittarius- The IX Labour of Hercules - The Eternal Reflection
Continuing our journey through the Ninth Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Sagittarius. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained...
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The Hierophant- The High Priest
Continuing with our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot our hosts look to break down the Esoteric significance of The Hierophant. Focusing on the idea of discipline, self control and the ability to take...
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Scorpio Pt.3 - The Phoenix Rising
Finalizing the conversation and discussions on the esoteric significance of the sign of Scorpio.Ā
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Scorpio Pt.2- Transmuting Our Desires. VIII Labour of Hercules
Continuing our conversation about the 8th Labor of Hercules, our hosts look further to discuss the esoteric significance of the sign of Scorpio.Ā Support the show
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Scorpio-Death and Rebirth ; The VIII Labour of Hercules
Continuing our journey through the Eighth Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Scorpio. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained...
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Libra Part II- The Scales
Continuing our conversation about the 7th Labor of Hercules, our hosts look further to discuss the esoteric significance of the sign of Libra.Support the show
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Libra - Internal Justice The Seventh Labor of Hercules
Continuing our journey through the Seventh Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Libra. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained within...
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Virgo II- The Virgin
Continuing our conversation about the 6th Labor of Hercules, our hosts look further to discuss the esoteric significance of the sign of Virgo.Support the show
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Virgo- The Healer - VI Labour of Hercules
Continuing our journey through the Sixth Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Virgo. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained within...
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The Lion King - An Esoteric Breakdown
A breakdown of the esoteric significance of the movie The Lion King .Support the show
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Leo Pt.2 -The Lion Spirit
In this episode, our hosts continue the conversation of what it means to truly understand the meaning of the natural born leader that is Leo. The path of the brave yet childlike energy that motivates us to create and...
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